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Summer is Here!
Blog de sandraburgees
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17 de Junio, 2010 · General

Summer Love

It was in the midst of summer when I met this guy who made a very great impact in my life. I was having a part time vacation and work at my Aunt's swimming pool supplies store in Los Angeles. A not so tall and fair skin guy entered the store looking for an above ground pool liners, I did not noticed his arrival but he's smile at me. As he pays his bills in the cashier, he can't help but look at me. Well, he's not the typical guy that you would want. I did not even notice that he would catch my attention until he approached me and asked for my name. I found him nice and gentleman and there he asked for my number. We watched movie on our first date and I found him really humorous and funny. He made me laugh in his natural cute jokes. Days passed by and we continue the friendship that we have. Everything seemed for both of us. It was only until I received my mom's phone call telling me to go back at home because my dad was sick for a month. From that peak of happiness I have to leave him and face my dad who badly needs me. Sadly, I have to go back to North Carolina because my vacation has ended; despite of it I will always remember him, that guy who made a great impact in my life.
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publicado por sandraburgees a las 22:52 · 1 Comentario ·  Recomendar
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Here are very attractive information and various remarks below the article, don’t give up
publicado por phentermine 37.5, el 30.03.2011 16:03
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